Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh jeez chris.

So, I have a friend. She's a...scene chick. (She hates being called scene. O_O) Anyways, she's in LOVE with this guy named Chase. He's such a douche bag. No joke. She swoons over him, and get this...they only pretty much text. O.o. She rarely talks to him because she's not "ready". She's 14 years old and she displays it quite clearly. The one time I bring him over to talk to her, she makes it horribly awkward by telling , in front of him, that I've made things awkward.
Okay, this is her what her myspace "about me" says: i dont care about other people. so dont care about what i do.
She has also said to me that she doesn't care what other people think. She contradicted herself quite obviously...
Today, one of her friends picked her up and spun her around and around. Chase was apparently visibly near by. The scene-y freaked out and said she could have sworn he looked at her weird. She then continued "I'm never gonna look weird in front of him ever again. I'm just gonna stand still and do nothing. " I mean REALLY? Is she really going to change her hyper self just to look good for a zitty faced guy with good hair?
I'm friends with this guy, don't get me wrong, he's a good FRIEND. But that's it, this guy treats girls like they're his slaves. >:/ He's totally not worth her valuable time. He's just gonna dump her after realizing how freaking immature and childish she is. No offense, but if I were a guy, I wouldn't like her because she's very childish and immaturely rebellious. She needs to open her eyes.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dear Mother Fucker,

Why the fuck didn't you tell me that you didn't love me for my personality? Why didn't you tell me you loved me for my eyes? The way I smile? The way I laugh? The way I look at you? Why?
I just wanted to you to know that I really am mad at you. The shit you said about not being mad at you if we brake up. I think that went down the toilet.
I asked you if you REALLY loved me. I know you don't lie so I believed you when you said that you really did. I was right, you AREN'T a liar, you just say things without being specific. That's just awesomnosoty isn't it?
How about next time you want to tell a girl the truth, make sure to include ALL the details. All that shit about you saying all those stupid idiotic girls are so fucking hot. Go fuck them! Not me, because I have feelings. I'm not like girls in Kauai, who seem like robots the way you've described them, who don't care about how guys act. If you ask me, they're just slutty desperate girls.
Urggghhhhhhhhhh. Derek, I want you to care about me...I want you to know that I love you, for you. I want you to know that I really yearn for your love. For your sweet words, the ones you say very rarely. I want you to say:

"Priscilla, I love your eyes."
"Priscilla, I really miss you."
"Priscilla, your laugh is so cute."
"Priscilla, will you say that again, it was so damn cute the way you said it."
"Prisclla, I can't wait to see your beautiful face."

It's just hard for us girls because when we fall we fall hard.And then there's that right guy to pick you up. Then when you least expect it, he pushes you off a cliff and leaves you there...bleeding.

You probably don't understand you mother fucking 12 year old. Just try to use that awesome vocabulary of yours (sarcastic) and understand the fucking meaning of LOVE. :)

Priscilla Estrada